Somatic Stem Cells, Cancer and Regeneration
Elisa Laurenti, PhD (she/her/hers)
Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, Department of Haematology
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Peter Reddien, PhD
Whitehead Institute MIT, USA
Swarnabh Bhattacharya, PhD
Medical Oncology
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School, United States
Sandra Gomez Lopez
Lungs for Living Research Centre, UCL Respiratory
University College London, UK
Anupama Hemalatha, PhD
Yale School of Medicine, USA
Mark Schmitt, PhD
Institute of Pharmacology
University of Marburg, Germany
Cell fate transitions, once thought to be irrevocable, are now known to frequently exhibit plasticity. Remarkably, even some terminally differentiated cells can regain the capacity to self-renew when challenged. This session will explore the nature of plasticity in cell fate decisions, pinpoint the contexts in which plasticity is invoked, and dissect its molecular and signaling basis.
Concurrent Speaker: Elisa Laurenti, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Cambridge
Presenting Author: Mark Schmitt, PhD – University of Marburg
Presenting Author: Swarnabh Bhattacharya, PhD – Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School
Presenting Author: Sandra Gomez Lopez – University College London
Presenting Author: Anupama Hemalatha, PhD – Yale School of Medicine
Concurrent Speaker: Peter W. Reddien, PhD – Whitehead Institute MIT