New Technologies
Miki Ebisuya, PhD (she/her/hers)
Physics of Life TU Dresden, Germany
Ron Weiss, PhD
Biological Engineering
Sveva Bottini, MSci
Molecular Biotechnology and Health Science
University of Torino, Italy
Connor Fausto
Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
University of Southern California, USA
Jianping Fu, PhD
Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering, Cell & Developmental Biology
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Suzan Stelloo, PhD
Molecular Biology
RIMLS, Radboud University, Netherlands
Stem cells sense their environment, process information, and continuously react to stimuli to self-renew or differentiate. In this session, speakers will cover the construction of synthetic gene networks as well as new models of human developmental mechanisms to improve our understanding of stem cell regulatory networks.
Concurrent Speaker: Miki Ebisuya, PhD (she/her/hers) – Physics of Life TU Dresden
Presenting Author: Jianping Fu, PhD – University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Presenting Author: Connor C. Fausto – University of Southern California
Presenting Author: Sveva Bottini, MSci – University of Torino
Presenting Author: Suzan Stelloo, PhD – RIMLS, Radboud University
Concurrent Speaker: Ron Weiss, PhD – MIT